Luminbot is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use our services. This includes, but is not limited to, data loss, loss of profits, or damage to reputation.
Luminbot is not responsible if users use the service for illegal purposes, violate third-party rights, or harm others.
Luminbot is not liable for any actions taken by users while using our services or outside the scope of the services provided by the company, including user-generated content, sharing, distributing, or using content on third-party platforms, social networks, or services.
Luminbot is not responsible if users violate the terms of use, policies, or regulations of third-party platforms, social networks, or services when sharing content.
Luminbot is not responsible for any consequences, damages, or disputes arising from users sharing content on platforms or services outside the company's control.
Luminbot does not guarantee that the services will always be accurate, reliable, or error-free.
Luminbot is not liable for users' copyright, trademark, or intellectual property rights violations when using the service.
Luminbot is not responsible for the mental health status of users and does not provide counseling or professional psychological support services.